Football Agents
Technical Scouts
Data Analyst
Player Representative
Individual Scouts & Agents
Assess and analyze players' performance statistics to identify and evaluate their suitability and potential for the team.
Player Stats Leaderboard
Track top performers with comprehensive leaderboards and detailed player statistical analysis.
Player Comparison
Compare players' performance metrics side by side for a further analysis.
Player Distribution Chart
See how a player ranks in various statistics compared to others on the platform.
Match Analysis
Get in-depth analysis of match performance, advance analysis, heat maps and key stat insights.
Watch Highlights
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“Afriskaut's analysis of Victor Orakpo at the FC Bayern world squad 2022 youth cup showcased his extraordinary talent. The accuracy in Victor’s ranking as one of the best player on Afriskaut is evident as the young talent secured a significant transfer to OGC Nice at just 18.”
Victor Ede
Founder, VOE Foundation
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